The mystery of Winter House

The mystery of Winter House

The mystery of Winter House

In the south of Fuerteventura we can find a house with years of history and mystery. Casa Winter is a mansion with a tower located in the town of Cofete, in the most inhospitable part of the Jandía Peninsula. 

Casa Winter
Casa Winter®

It was built in 1946 and belonged to Gustav Winter, a German engineer. It is said that the house was a base for German submarines during World War II or a mansion where parties were held with important Nazi officials. 

Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa, a writer from the Canary Islands, whose novel Fuerteventura is a fiction about Nazi espionage in this house, was one of the first to cast doubt on Casa Winter. In declarations to Canarias Ahora he said: «Nobody would think of building a big house like that in such a remote place. If you risk your life to get there now, in the forties it must have been much more dangerous. They had to hide something very important to build that monster in an absolutely inaccessible place».

Although it is still a legend, there are several clues that allow us to reach this conclusion, such as the fact that German submarines arrived in the Canary Islands during the Second World War, or that the Krupp wagon was related to the Nazi military industry with Mr. Winter.

Mr. Winter’s descendants, who sold the plot to Lopesan Construcciones S.A., strongly deny that all these legends are true. Even so, we will never know what really happened in those years at the mysterious Winter House.

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