What to do on a Sunday afternoon in Tenerife 

What to do on a Sunday afternoon in Tenerife 

What to do on a Sunday afternoon in Tenerife 

Tenerife is an island with a wide variety of leisure activities. Our Sunday in Tenerife will be fantastic with some of the activities we will tell you about below.

Sonntag auf Teneriffa
Turismo de Canarias ®

For nature lovers, the best option is undoubtedly the Parque Rural de Anaga. You can enjoy a natural environment in its purest state and do activities both among the trees and on the coast.

Another activity not to be missed is a visit to the Teide National Park. This park, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is the highest peak in Spain, making it a worthwhile visit on a Sunday in Tenerife. What’s more, you can visit this emblematic Spanish landmark by cable car, a unique opportunity.  

Natural monuments Tenerife Sonntag auf Teneriffa
Turismo de Tenerife©

If we want a bit more action, we can go to the Giant’s Cliff. Here we can take a boat ride and marvel at the immensity of this mighty stone wall. We will also have the chance to see dolphins and whales, a unique experience with nature. 

If you are looking for a more relaxed plan, you can go to the town of Icod de los Vinos, where you will find the Drago Milenario (ancient dragon tree). This tree, hundreds of years old, will amaze you with its large size and aesthetics. You can even have a picnic in the park to enjoy your visit even more.  

If we are looking for something more relaxed, we can stay in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. We can stroll through the streets of the city, relax on the beach of Las Teresitas or go for a stroll around Plaza España or the García Sanabria Park. 

We have hundreds of other things to do on a Sunday in Tenerife, so don’t hesitate to come and enjoy this wonderful island whenever you want. 

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Cristina Sosa
Cristina Sosa
Había perdido mi entrada y una chica muy amable me atendió por teléfono y en un momentito me la reenvió
Alba Martínez
Alba Martínez
¡Genial como siempre! En la última compra he tenido un problema en el envío de las entradas por correos y en el primer contacto me lo han solucionado sobre la marcha. ¡Muchas gracias!
Juan Jose Suarez Santana
Juan Jose Suarez Santana
Borré las entradas por error de mi bandeja de correo y me lo solucionaron rápida y eficazmente por teléfono.
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Olga R
Muy recomendable, página súper sencilla y fácil para comprar tus entradas. Trato por teléfono estupendo y muy profesional, me solucionaron un problema muy rápido. Gracias.
Moisés Fabelo Lima
Moisés Fabelo Lima

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